In my free time, i read, listen to the music and see a movies, and i couldn´t choose one, for this reazon i´m going to speak to you about of three activities.
I try to read every night before sleep, but sometimes i can´t read, specially when i study for a test. On vacation i enjoy read all time. When i was in secundary school i knew that i like read books, and since this time i read all time. I enjoy doing it, because i think that is interesting imagine the characters and the place where happen the history.
I listen to music every days, specially when i´m on subway, the music relax me, and the kind of music depends on how i feel. I couldn´t say when were i started doing it, because i don´t remenber, but i think since i was a child.
I see movies weekends with my boyfriend and my friends, when i was a secundary school i had a cinema workshop, it were very funny. I enjoy see a movies on cinema or in my house eating popcorn. I think that see movies can be good for learn the history and know differents cultures, because every movie has differents plots.